The distance of Adrasan to Antalya is 95 km. You can reach it with a journey of approximately 1.5 hours.
If you are coming with your private car, you go from Antalya to Kemer direction. After Kemer, you pass 25 km from Tekirova and 7-8 km from Olympos, and on your way to Kumluca, you see the Adrasan sign at the Regional Traffic Directorate. You enter the 15 km asphalt road with pine trees extending towards the sea. You arrive at the beach 5 km after passing the town center of Adrasan.
If you are coming from the center of Antalya by bus, when you get off at the Antalya bus station, there are the West Antalya, Çiçek Tur and Kumluca Seyahat minibuses at the districts terminal in the building right next to it. Those minibuses will bring you to the Adrasan stop on the Adrasan turn. When you come to Adrasan with the Adrasan tour you will get on from the Adrasan stop, it is enough to say which hotel you will get off at, and the shuttle driver will drop you off right in front of the door.
There is a different alternative for those who will come from Ankara and Istanbul by bus. You can get off at the Adrasan (Regional Traffic Directorate) turn by buying a Kumluca ticket from some companies such as Kamilkoç, Ulusoy, Metro. There are Adrasan tour vehicles and taxis that bring you from the turn to the front of the hotel.